A new month and a new release, 2019 has already seen some tremendous enhancements, and here are some more!

The below enhancements are a direct result of client feedback (with a little help from the ATO), please keep them coming.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Addition of read-only mode
  • SuperMate API Integration

Multi-Factor Authentication

Cloudoffis now has 3 types of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This provides additional levels of security for all users across multiple platforms and devices, such as email, mobile phones, and applications. These settings can be accessed by any user from their profile, once open the MFA page is on the right as per below.

Keeping everyone’s data secure is our top priority.

Read Only Mode

We have created a read-only functionality to enable quick reference to the previous year’s audits without the risk of creating invalid timestamps.

  • Ability to quickly refer to the previous year’s audit
  • Ability to compare in a new tab (different screen if available)
  • Read only removes the risk of updating the wrong year
  • Ability to provide access for review or training without the risk of updating.

These are instantly accessible from the Fund Dashboard or Completed Audit Queue -allowing easy reference between both & providing greatly improved efficiency and usability.

SuperMate API Integration

To build on our successful integrations with BGL & Class, SuperMate data will now flow instantly via API. With help from the SuperMate team, we have now enabled SuperMate data to be imported via the cloud. This will automatically import fund details, trial balance & general ledger into Cloudoffis. You’ll no longer have to manually create clients and upload these reports! Save time and be more efficient with even more ‘automation’.

If you’re an existing user and would like further instructions on these new enhancements, please visit your Support Portal or reach out to our Support team.


Schedule Your Personalized Preview of Cloudoffis

If you’re interested in Cloudoffis – we’re all about providing an automated audit technology that drastically reduces inefficiencies, saves you hours, and boosts your bottom line. We hold the promise of new experiences and challenge you to try them. Schedule a live demo today! Use the form below.