Release 3.2 Now Available

We’re excited to share release 3.2 with you as it is a GAME CHANGER! These new features and additions are a culmination of 12 months of feedback addressing some of the most popular suggestions and improvements. This release includes significant enhancements to the below and is direct result of client feedback.

  • Addition of ASIC Searches
  • Addition of Title Searches
  • New Date Picker and options
  • New Subscription Module
  • BGL Integration Enhanced

NEW PDF Viewer

We have redeveloped our PDF Viewer to include NEW! features and additional functionalities as suggested by our clients. You can view, tag, highlight, comment & bookmark documents faster, with enhanced reliability, such as;
  • Additional options for navigating to correct results. Thumbnail View and view all pages inclusive of searched text.
  • Additional Zoom options with one click fit to page options (Zoom and display settings no longer affect the placement or the ability to see the tag or comment)
  • Multiple additions to panes with option to expand or collapse
  • NEW! the ability to highlight text with the option to alter colours
  • Improved Comment function with the newly added ability to edit, delete, customise and expand/collapse
  • NEW! Pre existing PDF bookmarks that existed prior to Cloudoffis upload will now display with hyperlinks to each.
  • NEW! Search options. Whole word only, Case sensitive and Wilcard search.
There is a summary PDF available and a comprehensive support document and video are currently being produced. We welcome your request to preview this

Addition of ASIC Searches

Your corporate trustee ASIC searches can now be requested through our InfoTrack integration, and will be automatically stored for quick access. Instantly order and attach ASIC Extracts from within Cloudoffis directly to your audit. This is available from the Member Entitlements page within the process and s.17A within the SIS Checklist.
Once selected from either area you will receive a pop up with clear instructions and pricing displayed, the moment the order is placed the document appears as an attachment. All ordered documents and pricing is tracked within your subscription page/Documents Billing.

Select Order ASIC Extract

Pop Up Screen to Place Order


Subscription/Documents Billing view. Orders will be settled monthly or weekly dependent on quantity.


Addition of Title Searches

Instantly order a Title Search with the click of a button directly within Cloudoffis (thanks to our integration with InfoTrack); the document then automatically attaches from within Cloudoffis directly to your audit. This is available from the Real Property page within the process.

Pop Up Screen to Place Order – Prices vary dependent on state (NSW, VIC or QLD) and will be clearly quoted once state is selected prior to ordering.

Subscription/Documents Billing view. Orders will be settled weekly.

NEW Date Picker and options

We have introduced a new Date Picker, entering dates in Cloudoffis has never been faster! Once selected you will have the option to scroll through years quickly, select month and then day. 

Scroll to Year and select Month

Select Day – Will default to current date


Enter Date Manually

This is a huge improvement for our clients creating funds from non cloud based software’s.
Dates can now be manually entered using the format DD/MM/YYYY

NEW Subscription Module

Adding more funds is now simple, transparent & streamlined with a new slider to easily calculate your top-ups. This will allow clients to top up their files and renew to a new term instantly online. 

Subscription View

Cart View

Each of these new features and enhancements will have a dedicated support page covering the steps comprehensively with a helpful video in the coming days.

BGL Integration Enhanced

New APIs for our integration with BGL have been released so you no longer need to manually upload the following reports:
  • Operating Statement
  • Financial Statement
  • Investment Summary

Efficiency win!


Schedule Your Personalised Preview of Cloudoffis

We provide an automated audit technology that drastically reduces inefficiencies, saves you hours and boosts your bottom line. We hold the promise of new experiences and challenge you to try them. Schedule a live demo today! Use the form below.